Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello everybody, and now my turn to introduce myself to everybody , Ling Siang, a 21year old johorian. I start my studies in kl since foudation after i have chosen UTAR to be my path immediate my SPM. Well, many people would ask "why you have chosen UTAR to study but not other local University?" I would answer because "UTAR, MY CHOICE", UTAR, a more reliable and high standard university, after graduate, we can easy get job because it is a recognition by all companies and industries in malaysia. Well, another reason will be "i would like to change a new enviroment of study, away from the place that i have grown up, taking up new challenge!". Until today, i am stil so graceful that i have make a right deicision, don't have any regretness.

Well,i have a wonderfull foundation lifetime that i would never forget. Our friendship is still under building until today, They will some still stuying in the same branch of campus,they will some switches to other univeristy to study, they will some went to diffrent branch of campus for continue studying, there will also have some who are stop studying and start working,earning money support them ownself, but, we are still contacting each other and having gathering although everybody have thier own stuff to busy on. In this assignment, i would already have two members which i have known since foundation time, so you can see how close we are. Whererest, another member is started known since degree life time. Thanx for the community service society and its Project Langkawi, i get to know Kok Seong more. Perhaps after the all activiti we join togather, i able to get to know them well since we have all our laughts and crys togather. At here, i would like to take this oppotunity to thanx all for giving lots and lots of wonderful and unforgetable memories in my university life.

Playing Sports is my favourite hobbies, no matter whatever footballs, basketball, badminton, squash, pingpong whichever can let me sweats it out over the body, will be my favourite hobbies. Besides, i would like surfing on net for passing the leisure time. Goggle, Yahoo, Facebook and Friendster are the basic website which i would surf on everyday. Moreover, i would like to visit to check on the latest football results through internet. and are other websites i personally like to surf on for new movies and dramas. Lastly, and are also the websites which i frequently like to surf on for information such as our exam result, out tutorial question and some addtional lecture notes which not given out in the lecture time.

Basically, i found that it is somehow interesting of our assignment by blogging up some our daily lifes, previously i have blogs before, but due to the busiest of studying and activities going on,i abandon it one day. Well, from this assignment of e-commerce, i would like to take this oppournity to blog again. See ya~~~ We Are One Family Under God - AJU!!!

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