Monday, June 29, 2009

The Application of 3rd Party Certification in Malaysia

The Application of 3rd Party Certification in Malaysia

3rd party is called certificate authorities who issue digital certificate to provide verification to website does indeed represent your company. It is needed where threats of internet security spreading over the net nowadays. This program is one of the methods to provide confidence and satisfaction to customer for surfing the website. Through this program, people would ensure that their information is free from threat or viruses where there is a high increment of phishing and spoofing on the internet nowadays.

The most common application of third party certification in Malaysia is provided by MSC Sdn Bhd built-in 1999 which licensed Certification Authority (CA) open business within Multimedia Super Corridor. The vision of Trustgate is clear “To enable organizations to conduct their business securely over the internet, as much as what they have been enjoying in the physical world”. The objective of MSC Trustgate is to secure the open network communications from both locally and across the ASEAN region. They also offer complete full set of security solutions that needed by individuals, enterprises, government and e-commerce providers. Trustgate core business is to provide certification services include Managed Security Service, Verisign Certified Training, Application Development, MyKAD ID, MyTRUST, Personal ID, Managed PKI, SSL Certificate and SSL VPN.

MyKAD PKI (My Key), Malaysian government has put in smart National Identity Card(“MyKad”) for every citizen. It is governed by Malaysia’s Digital Signature Act 1997. MyKey, the MyKad PKI works with your physical MyKad, gives you permission to verify yourself online and to sign document and makes transaction accepted by the Malaysian government. MyKey modules includes MyKey application programming interface(API), signing module, verification module and MyKad client kit are offers to for developer who wishes to develop MyKad applications.

VeriSign enables secure e-commerce, communications, and interactions for websites, intranets and extranets. It gives a confidence to consumers because they provide convenience and high protects log-in to their accounts users. VeriSign will examination and make sure all of the background of organization to ensure that the claim of organization was correct before issues any server certificates. Business purpose will verify by browser through ID automatically when connects to a lawful site with VeriSign. Information received by web is identical to encryption between browser and server and no amendment will be taken place.

As conclusion, the establishment of Certificate Authority plays an important role by ensuring the security of e-commerce and prevents as from becoming a victim of security issues.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to Safeguard Our Personal and Financial Data?

With the existence of online activities, no doubt it benefits us in many ways. However, it will also affect our personal lives if the safeguard is not done properly. Personal and financial information might be stolen which very much will cause inconvenience. Thus, it is significant for users and corporate to safeguard their digital data.

  • Install a firewall

A firewall is a program or hardware device that filters the information coming through the Internet connection into the private network or computer system. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria. Thus, it protects the computer system from unauthorized access and prevents information from being stolen.

  • Install and regularly update antivirus software

Antivirus is a software application that prevents, detects and removes malicious programs such as spyware, trojan horses, virus, worms and others. If a virus or malware is located the suspect file is usually placed into a quarantine to terminate its chances of disrupting the system. It avoids data loss and damage. Top Ten Antivirus software review.

  • Use the authentication system

Authentication is the mechanism whereby systems may securely identify their users to access into a computer system or a network. In order to verify the identity of a user, the authenticating system typically requires the user to provide his unique information such as passwords or any biometric verification. It is a process of blocking unauthorized access from stealing the personal or financial data from a computer system.

  • Password- protect computer

Passwords are the keys used to access personal information that have been stored on the computer and in online accounts. A password should be made up of a combination of numbers and letters and should be avoided from using name, birthday, social security number, and also repeated characters. Strong passwords can help protect you against fraud and identity theft.

There are serious consequences if personal and financial data are not safeguarded well. Thus, take actions to protect your data before it is too late.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Online Security Threat. How Safe is Your Data?

Computer is an electronic device which is used to create, store and manage critical information. The increasingly developed technologies have increase the risk of every computer user faced. Internet users may faces risk when they display sensitive data information at online software programs and their personal information on web-based services, including social networks MySpace and Facebook, which are becoming prime targets for hackers seeking for their personal information.

Computer security plays an important role in protecting data from loss, damage and misuse. Nowadays, the threats that the computer users facing are cybercrime, phishing, internet and network attacks such as computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses and back doors.

Cybercrime refers to a criminal activity where a computer or network is a source of crime such as fraud, theft and etc. Cybercrime is motivated by fraud, typified by the bogus emails sent by “phishers” that aim to destroy data and steal personal data and information.

Phishing is the term coined by hackers who imitate legitimate companies in e-mails to entice people to share usernames, passwords or credit-card details. The email leads the user to visit a web site to update their personal information that the legitimate companies already has. However, the web site is set up only to steal user’s information. For example, the recent victims include Charlotte's Bank of America, Best Buy and eBay, where people were directed to Web pages that looked nearly identical to the companies' sites.

Virus is a piece of code that is loaded onto user’s computer without their knowledge and viruses can replicate themselves. Virus is dangerous as it can destroy data and damage the operating systems. Worm can infect computer and spread itself to another computers across network automatically, without human interaction. It can slow down the operating speed of a computer and the repeatedly copied files may use up the available space. Unlike virus and worm, Trojan horses require interaction with a hacker to fulfill their purpose. Some Trojans can cause serious damage by deleting files and destroying information on user’s system.

Today backdoors are the most dangerous type of Trojans and the most widespread. These Trojans are remote administration utilities that open infected machines to external control via a LAN or the Internet. They function in the same way as legal remote administration programs used by system administrators. This makes them difficult to detect. Once the backdoor is launched, it monitors the local system without the user's knowledge; often the backdoor will not be visible in the log of active programs.

There are ways to stay safe online which are discussed as below:

1. Activate protection. If there is firewall, spam blocker, or other built-in security application in user’s operating system or software, internet users have to make sure that it’s turned on. For example, ZoneAlam 7.0 is a free firewall for Windows XP. Users are also required to activate spam filtering and other online protection provided by ISP or e-mail services, such as Yahoo, Google or MSN.

2. Update and renew. Operating system and security software are required to update automatically. In order to catch the latest threats, users are required to update the spam, spyware and virus-detection programs regularly. When the software warns you to renew your service, make sure that you do so to ensure that the protection does not lapse.

3. Run antivirus software. It protects a computer from getting malicious viruses from the internet, through websites, email, and instant messenger. Antivirus software can be used to prevent an infection or by find and removing an infection. For example, Norton Anti-virus and Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

4. Watch what you download. Most of the free utilities, games, and other software on the Internet can be useful, but many are laden with viruses and spyware. Users can try to download only from well-known manufacturers or trusted sites such as those at,, and

In conclusion, risk increase due to the increasingly developed technology, so there is a need to always keep the computer security up to date. Meanwhile, internet users also have to equip themselves with the ‘hacking’ knowledge to prevent any damages and loss caused by the online security threats.

Phishing: Examples and Its Prevention Methods

Phishing is an automated form of social engineering; criminals use the Internet to fraudulently extract sensitive information from businesses and individuals, often by impersonating legitimate web sites. Phishing is a significant and growing problem which threatens to impose increasing monetary losses on businesses and to shatter consumer confidence in e-commerce. Phishing attacks have the potential to become much more sophisticated, making user-based protection mechanisms fragile given the user population of non-experts.

I myself did receive a phishing mail recently requesting for my details for my Maybank account.

The mail looks as follow:
Of course, I did not follow the instructions on the mail as I know it’s a phishing mail. The mail was in my junk mail box as the sender is known as unsafe for me. Furthermore, the link provided is directing me to another web which looks similar to the real one. However, the address is obviously different from the makes me confirmed that this is a phishing mail. So, I did not get “phished”. Hehe…

Below are more examples of phishing:
Ebay Phishing Example
Ebay/PayPal Phishing is very very common. A scammer sends out thousands or even millions of emails to his email list. The end user then clicks on the link in the email and is taken to a site designed to look like ebay. The user attempts to login and in doing so sends his username and password to the scammer.


A scammer sends out thousands or even millions of emails to his email list claiming to be Ebay or PayPal and request your username and password. The novice user may send those details back to the address and their account is compromised.

How to protect yourself from this phishing example?
Of course, DO NOT reply to any email claiming to be ebay or paypal. Do not click on any link claiming to be from paypal. Instead type the url into your browser window, and go there directly. eBay/PayPal will never ask their users for personal information. If you are still concerned, contact ebay directly at 1-800-322-9266.

Bank Phishing Example
Bank Phishing scam attempts are very very common too. Scammer sends out thousands or millions of phishing emails. The email claims that the recipients account has been suspended, and that in order to return their account to normal standing they need to verify some information. The user clicks on a link and submits their user to the scammer. The scammer then compromises the users account.

How to protect yourself from this phishing example?

DONOT reply to any email, do not click on any link claiming to be from the bank. As this is a pretty common occurrence you should be able to just ignore it. If you are still concerned or if you see strange activity with your bank account, then please contact your bank (by Phone) ASAP.

Quite interestingly, there is no effective way to stop phishers. I think it depends mostly on how the financial institution, banks and organizations educate their customers to not use any links from the emails or any other sources. They should be declaring their official sites to the public to avoid any mis-communication.

Apart form that there are also a couple of tools like Google’s SafeBrowsing for Firefox and NetCraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar that can help the users in detecting the possibly phishing sites. Moreover, internet Explorer 7 which includes Microsoft Phishing Filter will helps to protect you from the web fraud and the risks of personal data theft by warning or blocking you from reported phishing Web sites.

There is also a standard called DKIM, which stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail (a merger of two protocols: DomainKeys, which was created by Yahoo!, an Identified Internet Mail, that allows an organization to cryptographically sign outgoing e-mail to verify that it sent the message. Though this standards does not provide a 100% fool-proof solution to phishing, it at least is working towards enhancing the user’s trust in email due to cryptographic signature in outbound e-mail that is associated with its domain name.

So, be aware of this technique and enter in the data only when you trust the source and you know that it is 100% official.

Read more on phishing…
IT-Sideways: Tech Blog Malaysia: Phishing

Friday, June 19, 2009

An example of an E-Commerce success and its causes

A successful e-commerce website will enhance the growth of a business and set apart from the competitors. Successful ecommerce website design starts with applying the basics of retail success. is one of the examples of online retail commerce. is a leading Internet source of Asian entertainment products which was the only Asia-based website recognized as one of the "Top 50 Retailing Web Sites" in Internet Retailer's eighth annual "Best of the Web" awards. Press release

Website design plays a key role in the success. Concise descriptions and clear pricing of products are very important. provides clear information and price listings for each product and their various editions.

Personal customization is important. is a user-friendly interface, culture-specific content, fresh new releases, and a comprehensive selection of products. has fitted its website for different cultures through the languages, content, design, and product offerings Customers can choose their own region and language. Furthermore, customers are more convenient as they have a currency conversion function. The company offers over 670,000 Asian entertainment products, ranging from DVDs, CDs, and video games to electronics, books, and collectibles. Comments from previous customers will provide potential customers with the confidence they need to trust in the products and services. allows customers to give feedbacks and rate.

E-commerce will not be accepted unless the user experience is satisfactory which is fast, easy and secure. Publishers should make every effort to make the purchase process as easy and painless as possible. They should make the purchase process as easy as possible.’s order form requests only the information that relates directly to the order. Besides that, it offers a variety of payment option. Preferred payment options vary across regions. guarantees every transaction to be safe by having its own security policy and procedure. It is also VeriSign certified. It uses VeriSign’s SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology which technology is the leader in the field to encrypt the information.

Besides that, often offers low prices, discounts, gifts and free shipping. They hope that to help our customers save. is a successful e-commerce website as they always serve their customers well. It thus has become a favorite of customers worldwide and has been recognized by industry leaders. I have tried buying things from this website and it is really thrustworthy.

A review on Real-World Case: Google is changing everything

Technology had definitely redefined our lives. In my personal opinion, Google is one of the best things that could happen to you.

Google Inc. is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies. Google has created services and tools for the general public and business environment alike, including Web applications, advertising networks and solutions for businesses.

Google Search Engine is the company's most popular service. As of May 2009, Google’s websites continued to lead the search market with 65.0% market share, ahead of Yahoo! (20.1%) and Microsoft sites (8.0%). Google indexes billions of Web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators, although at any given time it will only return a maximum of 1,000 results for any specific search query. The Google Search Engine somehow gives a more accurate and pin point search results compared the other search engine. Hence, I depend heavily on Google whenever I need information for my assignment, self interest, random searching and more. The source of information has changed as Google provides more convenience.

This following is a list of some features of Google Search that I would like to share. You might or might not know. Just click on the links below to see the results. No explanations needed. The words following after the colon are the search terms in Google Search. It can be replaced with any terms of your choices.

Weather Kuala Lumpur
Time Kuala Lumpur
Calculator: 5*9+(sqrt 10)^3, 21.124% of 232123561.231/37513.123
Unit Conversion: 10.5 cm in inches
Currency Conversion:
1000 rm in inr
Definitions of Words:
Kuala Lumpur map
Movie Reviews:
movie: transformers

Google has also employed the Web Search technology into other search services, including Image Search, Google News, the price comparison site Google Product Search, the interactive Usenet archive Google Groups, Google Maps, and more.

Google Maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google, free (for non-commercial use), that powers many map-based services. It offers street maps, a route planner for traveling by foot, bicycle, car, or public transport and an urban business locator for numerous countries around the world including Malaysia. I used it quite often whenever I need to travel to a new place where I’d never been before. It helps a lot in leading the direction to destination unless the road is closed for maintenance. Hahaha…

Google can be considered as a wonder of the world, which gives millions of useful information to the world in a second. The Google applications and products changes our lifestyles by providing convenience as it can be used anytime anywhere as long as there is an Internet access and it has become parts of our lives in this 21st century. Dear friends, lets Google now!!! Yoohoo~~~

The History and Evolution of E-commerce

E-commerce has tremendously developed over years. It can be defined as the action of buying, selling, transferring or exchanging goods and services through the use of internet. During past years, it was made possible to do shopping online and since then, many businesses started to venture into this approach called E-commerce. People can do shopping easily at anywhere, anytime through the internet.

In the early 1970s, the development of e-commerce applications stated with the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), which refers to the computer-based systems used to perform financial transactions electronically from one organization to another. In order to improve the limitation of EFT, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) was then developed which used to transfer routine documents and facilitating business transactions electronically. In the 1980s, electronic commerce was also formed by the growth and acceptance of credit cards, automated teller machines (ATM) and telephone banking.

Netscape arrived in 1994, in which the Secure Sockets Layer provides users a simple browser to surf the internet and have a safe online transaction. and were launched in 1995. During the 2000s, the e-commerce has changed the process of business transactions through internet using electronic payments services and secures connection. At the end of 2001, the B2B of e-commerce has made a $70billion in transactions. The chart showed that the e-commerce sales amount to 3.4% of the total sales in 2007.

Amazon and eBay were the first International companies that implemented electronic transaction. Both are well-known for its clear and user-friendly advanced search facility which it enables visitors to search keywords in the full text of many products in the database. People are now enjoying the buying and selling advantages of the internet. According to statistics, it showed that music, books, computers, office supplies and other consumer electronics are the most popular categories of products sold in the World Wide Web.

In conclusion, the evolution of e-commerce will never end but continuing to improve in order to meet the customer needs. It also enables entrepreneurs to transform their unique ideas into organizational successful business. In addition, history of ecommerce is a history of a new, virtual world which is evolving according to the customer advantage. It is a world which we are all building together brick by brick, laying a secure foundation for the future generations.

E-commerce Failure


Ecommerce, e-commerce or known as electronic commerce is the conduct of financial transactions by electronic means. It also consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as internet and other computer networks. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction’s lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well.

Example of E-commerce Failure

IBM’s World Avenue Mall is one of the failures on e-commerce. This online mall lasted less than a year as it launched in August 1996 and close down in July 1997 which means it does not even lasted than a year. This mall uses IBM names to rent out to other companies to sell their products but yet lack of understanding of customer and online user leads to a shutting down of the mall and spoilt IBM’s name.


The failures of IBM were probably launched too early, before online usage become sufficiently popular to justify IBM’s investment in that project. Merchantman also claim that IBM did not adequate promote the project. IBM’s name alone was not very popular and was not sufficient to bring enough customer traffic to the site to make to a success.

Moving on, internet usage was still not popular in use among people as IBM was launched and is expensive too. People prefer to buy directly from traditional as they can view the actual product rather than purchasing online that only can depends on the picture available, some even comment that the price of purchasing online was much more expensive than purchasing directly from retail store. Security at that time is another issue concern by the users as they worried about their own privacy is being acknowledged by other people.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Something..... about..... KokseonG

“I’m back!” Yeah! Back to this sweet sweet H-O-M-E…

I’m Kok Seong, one of the family members of this home… was born in 11th April 1988 in Petaling Jaya and stay at Puchong Jaya… Both PJ...hehe…. I’m currently pursuing my Bachelor degree in Accounting in UTAR and here comes my final year of the course. I’m the class rep for my tutorial group, BAC09, a “sot sot” big family. Although we are not so U-N-I-T-E-D…. we still able to crapping around most of the time… like those big families where the members only meet during festivals. Hahaha… maybe its bcoz of me not doing a good job. Haiz!!!

In my years of Uni life, I gain lots of experience by involving myself in lots of events and activities. Many people including myself is wondering why am I so passionate in taking part in those clubs and societies activities. I took the treasurer position in both Music Club and Askar Wataniah Society for tenure 2008/2009. Moreover, I also join in as organizing committee for a few events organized by Community Service Society, Accounting Society, and Wushu Club. No doubt these activities did used up most of my time where I could hardly find a slot to study or even sleep, but I enjoyed a lot from it. Get to know more friends, learn new things and handling challenges are making me more enthusiastic. Although my friends and parents did complaint that I spent too much time in clubs and societies; asking me to take a rest… I always reply them that I have learnt a lot from those activities and I wanna fully utilized my Uni life by involving in different activities and mix up with people with different personalities. I’m glad to be here, having such a wonderful and memorable university life.

As I need to deal with many people and have less time to hang out with friends, Internet is the best way to connect me with others. MSN chat is most often used application where I can chit chat with all my friends local or even overseas. There are a few sites that I visit quite frequent:

1. Facebook - It is a website which connects me with friends. I can always get updates on my friends through this website. Besides that, it provides entertainment and funny funny quiz which I can spend some time on it whenever I feel bored.
2. Hotmail - I usually check my e-mails using this website. Many clubs and societies documents are circulate through e-mail and I usually write e-mail when dealing with external organization especially negotiating for sponsorships.
3. Cari Forum – It is the Chinese Forum which has lots of information to be discovered. From self-interest to news and lots more… all is available for view and discussion.
4. Google - It is the search engine that I use frequently. I can get any information that I need by GOOGLING~~
5. UTAR WBLE - This website is most related to my course. Logging into this website allows me to get information and updates on the subjects.

That’s all for this time…
Contact me if you want to know more about me… I can meet you personally…
Waiting for you~~~

We are one family under God - AJU!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kah Mun's Profile

Hi…everyone, I’m Kah Mun from University Tunku Abdul Rahman. I’m currently pursuing my final year in Bachelor of Commerce (HONS) Accounting. I live in Ampang but I dislike travelling on a daily basis, therefore I prefer to stay at Sg. Long, which is where my university is located. My family consists of both my parents, a younger sister and a naughty brother.

During my free time, I love to participate in the Community Service Society as I like to participate in social activities very much. Here is where I met a new bunch of best friends as we always organize events together and spend most of our time together. Without them, my life would be meaningless. Therefore I will always treasure them. It was just a month ago where we got together for sleepless nights just to organize the best camp ever. It was indeed the most memorable camp I have been to. I have gained a lot of experience and learnt many things from it.

Surfing the net is part of my daily routine. I stay connected with my friends through Windows Live Messenger everyday. The sites that I often visit are:

1) Facebook, this is the website that I frequently visit. Facebook constantly update me about my friends’ recent activities and contains a lot of fun and interesting games to choose from.
2) Google, my favourite search engine used to search for information, especially for journals for my thesis and assignments.
3) WBLE, I log in to WBLE to update myself with new lecture notes and tutorials while looking into the student’s forums.
4) Youtube, my favourite entertainment site where I usually search for MTVs of my favourite artists and look for interesting and humorous videos.
5) Livescore, I’m using this website to keep myself update with the latest football results, as I cannot watch the live telecast from Astro.

This is my first time creating and writing a blog and I feel that it is fun to have a blog. Feel free to visit our blog. “We are One family under God --- AJU!!!”

About Shu Wen

Hey everyone out there.!!!Welcome to our home=) This is Shu Wen, one of the owners if this blog. I am an ordinary girl born and stay in Petaling Jaya. Currently pursuing Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting in University Tunku Abdul Rahman. This is my final year studying in the university.

In my university life, I found something that I am passionate about which is joining the Community Service Society(CSS). Recently, we have organized one of the most succesful events which was the CS camp. Everyone enjoyed very much and it was a great experience. Here, I have learnt a lot especially in communicating as doing society work and organizing activities require a lot of communications. It had then changed my life as I was quiet and shy back then. This was a big obstacle for me to meet new friends. I have met tonnes of people after joining and organizing the activities in CSS. I am lucky to get to know all the great people here and of course contributing to the community. We became close friends and we are like a big family sharing tears and joys. I am glad to be here, it will definitely be memorable in my university life.

I like to surf the internet and hang out with my lovely friends when I'm free. Besides that, travelling is also one of my favourite activities.

The five websites that I usually visit are:

  1. Facebook - It is a website which connects my friends and I. I can always get updates on my friends through this website. Besides that, it provides entertainment such as games which I can play when I feel bored.
  2. Hotmail - I usually check my e-mails using this website. It benefits me as some of the mails contain useful information.
  3. Google - It is the search engine that I use frequently. I can get any information that I need by googling.
  4. WBLE - This website is most related to my course. Logging into this website allows me to get information and updates on the subjects.
  5. Blogger - I like reading others stories especially my friends' as I get to understand and know more about them.
I am happy to be here with my close friends to share information together. Thank you everyone for the contribution and also those who visited, thanks. Have a nice day =)

We are one family under God - AJU!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello everybody, and now my turn to introduce myself to everybody , Ling Siang, a 21year old johorian. I start my studies in kl since foudation after i have chosen UTAR to be my path immediate my SPM. Well, many people would ask "why you have chosen UTAR to study but not other local University?" I would answer because "UTAR, MY CHOICE", UTAR, a more reliable and high standard university, after graduate, we can easy get job because it is a recognition by all companies and industries in malaysia. Well, another reason will be "i would like to change a new enviroment of study, away from the place that i have grown up, taking up new challenge!". Until today, i am stil so graceful that i have make a right deicision, don't have any regretness.

Well,i have a wonderfull foundation lifetime that i would never forget. Our friendship is still under building until today, They will some still stuying in the same branch of campus,they will some switches to other univeristy to study, they will some went to diffrent branch of campus for continue studying, there will also have some who are stop studying and start working,earning money support them ownself, but, we are still contacting each other and having gathering although everybody have thier own stuff to busy on. In this assignment, i would already have two members which i have known since foundation time, so you can see how close we are. Whererest, another member is started known since degree life time. Thanx for the community service society and its Project Langkawi, i get to know Kok Seong more. Perhaps after the all activiti we join togather, i able to get to know them well since we have all our laughts and crys togather. At here, i would like to take this oppotunity to thanx all for giving lots and lots of wonderful and unforgetable memories in my university life.

Playing Sports is my favourite hobbies, no matter whatever footballs, basketball, badminton, squash, pingpong whichever can let me sweats it out over the body, will be my favourite hobbies. Besides, i would like surfing on net for passing the leisure time. Goggle, Yahoo, Facebook and Friendster are the basic website which i would surf on everyday. Moreover, i would like to visit to check on the latest football results through internet. and are other websites i personally like to surf on for new movies and dramas. Lastly, and are also the websites which i frequently like to surf on for information such as our exam result, out tutorial question and some addtional lecture notes which not given out in the lecture time.

Basically, i found that it is somehow interesting of our assignment by blogging up some our daily lifes, previously i have blogs before, but due to the busiest of studying and activities going on,i abandon it one day. Well, from this assignment of e-commerce, i would like to take this oppournity to blog again. See ya~~~ We Are One Family Under God - AJU!!!